meticulously crafted sound for
your game

Elevate your game with cutting-edge sound design that adds depth, style, and tactility.


An open ear.

a pair of open ears

Let us get into your game’s art direction and talk about your needs to set up a tailored audio system that help developing an satisfying gameplay loop.

“Tell me about your game and I will tell you about your game audio pain”

all things audio

With a broad background in audio, I am able to assist you with dialog design, linear sound design for trailers, and any other audio-related task in and outside of your game.

communication is key

Game development is a collaborative effort. My workflows revolve around timely communication, identifying priorities and staying in the loop.


Discovery meeting symbol showing two overlapping speechbubbles.

discovery meeting

In this 15-minute call, we learn about 7 integral aspects of our future collaboration.
Afterward, you will receive a scope-of-work document encapsulating all of our talking points such as scope, priorities, investment bracket, and more.

the first steps

After agreeing on what is outlined in the scope-of-work document. We define our first game audio milestones, set up the projects & tools, and quickly generate the first mockups to give you an impression of how your game will sound like.

From there we iterate and refine until we reach our pre-defined goals.

If you want to learn more about the talking points, the discovery process or how to schedule a call:


A headshot of Can, your future game audio designer!

Hey, I'm Can👋🏽

a sci-fi game audio designer from Cologne, Germany.

My Uncle Claudio introduced me to Halo, roughly 15 years ago. It instantly became my favorite series and sparked my love for sci-fi shooters and video games in general.

In school a friend introduced me to Metallica’s Master of Puppets, which lead me to picking up the guitar and from there my passion for
music grew.

After school, I pursued audio engineering and music production when it finally struck me: “Why not combine my love for video games and audio?”

Today I am looking forward to bringing my passion for game audio to you!